Protecting your ideas and creations
Welcome to Juristfirma Mouvlier KB, your trusted source for expert legal services in the field of intellectual property. We are dedicated to protecting your unique ideas and creations, ensuring the success and growth of your business.
We provide services such as councel and representation in the fields of copyright, trademark, design and dispute resolution.
Experienced Legal Representation
We specialize in providing top-notch legal services in the field of intellectual property law. We are dedicated to protecting your intellectual property and ensuring that your rights are safeguarded. Trust us to handle your legal needs with professionalism and expertise.
Everything you can imagine is real
Pablo Picasso
From idea to reality
Many SMEs and individual creators pay too little attention to protecting their intellectual achievements.
In the current business environment, it is a crucial source for competition for any company or individual creators. Business leaders, inventors and creators need to identify their valuable intellectual property at an early stage, determine their business relevance and agree with legal counsel whether to protect them.
Do not wait until the matter has turned into a problem or a conflict and contact a legal counsel today.
Legal services
Copyright grants creators of original works exclusive rights to their creations. These works can include literary, artistic, musical, dramatic, and other intellectual properties.
Design refers to the aesthetic or ornamental aspects of an object, such as its shape, pattern, color, or configuration. Design protection grants the creator exclusive rights to the visual appearance of a product, ensuring others cannot produce, sell, or distribute items with a similar design without permission.
Trademark is a distinctive sign, symbol, word, phrase, logo, or combination of these that identifies and distinguishes the goods or services of one business from another. Trademark protection gives the owner exclusive rights to use the mark in connection with their goods or services, and prevents others from using a confusingly similar mark in the same market.
Dispute resolution
Dispute resolution refers to the processes and methods used to resolve conflicts or disagreements between parties, without resorting to litigation in court. It involves a variety of techniques.